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Council Elections

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Ordinary local government elections are held every two years on the third Saturday in October. The next local government election day is Saturday, 18 October 2025. 

Council is comprised of a popularly elected Mayor and eight Councillors. The Mayor and Councillors are elected for four year terms with the terms of half of the Councillors concluding at each biennial election.

Frequently Asked Questions

Information for Electors

Voting is not compulsory for local government elections, however all electors are encouraged to vote.

The electoral roll used for the election is comprised of two parts; the residents roll and the non-residents owners and occupiers roll.


People who reside in the Town (irrespective of whether they own property or are tenants) and who are on the state electoral roll for that property will be on the residents roll automatically and can vote in the Town’s elections. No separate enrolment is necessary.

If you are unsure of your enrolment status please click here to check your enrolment with the Western Australian Electoral Commission.


The non-resident owners and occupiers roll is maintained by the Town. It includes individuals who own or occupy rateable property within the Town but are enrolled on the state electoral roll in another local government area and have applied to be included on the roll.

Applications for enrolment to the non-resident owners and occupiers roll close 57 days before the election.

For further information about the non-resident owners and occupiers roll, including how to enrol, please click here.


The Town holds postal elections conducted by the Western Australian Electoral Commission. If you are enrolled to vote you will receive a ballot in the post from 31 days prior to the election.

Electors are encouraged to post their vote in the reply paid envelope or deliver to the Town’s Administration Building as soon as possible.

If you misplace your ballot paper, you may visit the Town’s Administration Building located at 308 Stirling Highway, Claremont to have your voting package reissued, and for your convenience a ballot box will be available to lodge your vote.

Elections are conducted by the Optional Preferential Voting (OPV) method.

OPV requires electors to record a first preference on their ballot papers by placing a ‘1’ in the box alongside the candidate that is their first preference. If an elector wishes to register additional preferences this can be done using consecutive numbers in the remaining boxes. You can provide a preference for one, some or all candidates.

Guidance material on OPV will be mailed to electors with their ballot papers. An explanation of the voting system can be found on the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries' website here

Due to the Local Government Reforms, elections in the Town are no longer conducted across wards but across the district as a whole.

Information for Candidates

The nomination period opens 51 days before the election and closes 44 days prior to the election at 4pm. 

To stand for election as a Council Member you must:

Candidates are required to complete the Induction for Prospective Candidates through the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries website. You will be asked to declare that you have completed the induction when you submit your candidate nomination form.

An effective nomination consists of the following:

  • A completed nomination form. Candidates are encouraged to use the WAEC’s Nomination Builder to complete their nomination form and construct their candidate profile;
  • A profile of the candidate of not more than 1,000 characters (including spaces);
  • A nomination deposit of $100.00; and
  • A photograph (optional).

Candidates may also provide a written statement in English, of up to 2,000 characters (including spaces) with their nomination paper (optional).

Further information on candidate nominations is available on the WAEC’s website.

Prospective candidates are encouraged to visit:

  • the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries website for detailed information on becoming a candidate and running your election campaign 
  • the Western Australian Electoral Commission website for information on making your nomination and required forms and the election process.

Candidates must not use the Town’s logo or Council crest in their campaign.

Candidates are required to adhere to the Town of Claremont Code of Conduct for Council Members, Committee Members and Candidates. Please ensure as a candidate you are familiar with the requirements of the Code of Conduct.


Part 5A of the Local Government (Elections) Regulations 1997 requires both candidates and donors to disclose information about any electoral related gift with a value of $300 or more that was given or promised during the disclosure period (being six months before election day).

For further information about gift disclosures please click here.


The following guidelines apply in respect of the placement of election signs in the Town of Claremont:

  • An election sign may be erected on private property, with the approval of the owner prior to the erection of the sign.
  • An election sign, no larger than 0.75 square metres in area per property, may be erected on private property with the exemption of a corner property which may display one sign facing each thoroughfare of the corner.
  • Election signs should be erected no more than 28 days prior to the election and should be removed as soon as possible after the election to which it relates. For this year’s election, signs are able to be erected from 23 September 2023.
  • Election signs or posters may be erected at the place of an election rally, meeting or polling place as approved by the Returning Officer for the election.

The Town prohibits the erection of election signs in any street or local government property, such as parks or reserves.

For further information please contact the Town on 08 9285 4300.

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